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SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) Page 10
SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) Read online
Page 10
It had been several days since the party at the clubhouse, and she could sense a restlessness about him, like he was ready to move on. Skylar moved to sit on the step above him, and her arms encircled his neck from behind, her face close to his. “You okay?”
He responded softly, “Sure. Why?”
“You just seem sad.”
“Do I?”
“Are you missing California?”
He shrugged, his eyes still on the horizon. Fireflies began to make their appearance and crickets were the only sound in the quiet peacefulness. “I thought staying here for a while would help. I just felt I needed to be close to them somehow. Like I couldn’t just stick them in the ground and leave. But, there’s just so many memories here. Everywhere I go, you know?”
She nodded, resting her chin on his shoulder. “I know. There are a million memories of Letty and I everywhere, too.”
He reached up and ran his palm over one of her forearms that were looped around his neck. “You two were inseparable.”
She smiled. “I suppose.” They were quiet for a few minutes, each staring out over the pasture and hills in the distance. Remembering. Finally she asked what she’d been wondering, what she’d had a feeling about. “Are you thinking of going back?”
He was quiet a moment and then answered softly with a squeeze to her forearm. “Yeah.”
She hugged his neck. “I’ll miss you.”
He grinned, his head turning to the side to kiss her cheek. “I’ll miss you, too, squirt. You gonna be okay?”
“I’ll be fine. We both will.” She gave him a squeeze.
“Yeah, I hope so.”
“There’s a woman, isn’t there?” she asked with a sly grin.
His smile faded, and he looked away.
“What happened?”
He pulled her arms free and stood, pacing a couple of steps off the stairs.
“There was.”
“It’s over now.”
“Tell me about her.”
He shrugged and let out a huff of laughter. “I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Hey,” she caught his attention and dipped her head, grinning at him. “The beginning is usually a good place.”
He laughed with a shake of his head. “It’s complicated. We didn’t even get along at first.”
“But then you did?”
“Yeah. Then we did. Big time.”
“Big time, huh?” She grinned. “Sounds interesting.” When he didn’t elaborate, she prodded, “So? What happened? What went wrong?”
Crash slid his hands in his hip pockets and took in a deep breath. “I tried to protect her. Did something I shouldn’t have. She shut me out.”
Skylar looked out over the hills. “Women are complicated.”
He let out a huff. “No shit.”
She grinned. “Sometimes when what we want most is right in front of us…”
“Yeah?” She had his attention now.
“We get scared and push it away.”
“Why? Why do women do that?”
She shrugged. “We sabotage ourselves, I guess.”
Crash folded his arms, leaned up against the post at the foot of the stair rail and shook his head. “Women.”
“But then we usually rethink it and wish we could take it all back.”
“I don’t want someone who has to rethink being with me.”
She nodded. “Guys are no easier to understand.”
“Bullshit. Guys are simple. We want what we want and make no bones about what that is.”
“Until you don’t want it anymore.”
That must have sent up red flags because he gave her a questioning look. “Sounds like you got your own tale to tell. So, spill. Who was he?”
She shook her head.
“Come on, I shared. Now it’s your turn.”
“It was a long time ago.”
“Before you left for California.”
He frowned. “Babe, you were what, eighteen?”
She nodded.
“Someone you went to school with?”
She shook her head. “No. He was older.”
“How much older?” He straightened, the frown still there, but now more intense.
“He was twenty-three.” She watched his head tilt to the side, his eyes remaining locked with hers, and she could see the wheels turning.
“You were at the clubhouse a lot that summer.” When she couldn’t keep eye contact with him, he moved to stand over her. “Do I know him? Was it a brother?”
She kept her eyes averted and didn’t reply.
“Skylar, answer me.”
“You know him. But he wasn’t a brother. Not then.”
He sucked in a breath. “But he is now.”
She nodded. “Yes.” And then the pieces must have clicked into place because he snarled his name.
She looked up at him then. “What gave it away?”
“It explains why he’s been drilling me with looks like he has every time I see him. Every time he sees us together.”
“I…hadn’t noticed.”
“Bullshit.” He called her on it. “I’ve seen the looks pass between you. I just hadn’t put it together till now.”
“He looks at me like he hates me, and I suppose he does. But he was the one that broke it off.”
“He was a prospect back then. He should have stayed clear of you. And you, babe, should have stayed clear of him.”
“He knew what he was risking—sneaking around with me. We both did. I guess in the end, it was too much of a risk for him. I guess I wasn’t worth it.”
“Skylar, don’t say that. You’re worth it, and don’t you ever let a guy make you think you’re not. You hear me?”
She looked up at him, tears glistening in her eyes and whispered, “I hear you.”
“Babe, come here.”
She stood up and was in his arms before he finished the sentence. Having his arms around her felt so good. She was filled with such emptiness. She felt like she had no one. No one in the world. No parents, no family, no man, no job and now no Letty or Mama Rose. What did she have left?
And now Crash was leaving, too. She felt her heart wrench.
“I’ll miss you so much,” she choked out. “I know it’s selfish, but I don’t want you to go.” She felt him press his face to the top of her head, and he spoke softly into her hair.
“I know, squirt, but I can’t stay.”
Just hearing those words, had all those old feelings of being abandoned sifting through her.
“Hey?” He pulled back, taking her face in his hands and brushing her hair back from her face. “You know it’s not me you want or need. It’s Shades.”
She shook her head in his hands. “That’s over.”
“I don’t know what happened back then, maybe he came to his senses and realized you were way out of his league or that he was no good for you. But I know one thing. Whatever was between you, it’s not over. Not for him. Not by a long shot. Not judging by the way he looks at you.”
“It doesn’t matter now.” She pushed out of his arms. “I’m tired. I’m going up to bed.”
“I’ll see you in the morning.” She dashed up the steps, determined to not let him see the tears that were spilling down her cheeks.
Crash watched her disappear inside, and then he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Cole.
“Hey, Brother. How are you?” Cole’s voice came on the line, and Crash realized he’d obviously read the caller ID.
“Okay, but I think I’m ready to head back out there.”
“That’s good to hear. You’ve been missed around here.”
“I’ll book a flight tomorrow.”
“Okay. Let me know, and we’ll pick you up at the airport. How’s it been at the old chapter?”
right. Strange. Busy.”
“Sounds like some stories for when you get back.”
“Yeah. Hey, Cole?”
“Yeah, Brother?”
“You know anything about Skylar hooking up with Shades before we left for California years ago?” Crash could hear Cole take a deep breath before he answered.
“Yeah. I knew about that. Nipped it in the bud, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“I saw them together. Cornered Shades on it later and beat the shit out of him. Told him he needed to end it or I’d make sure he was never voted in. He could kiss that patch he wanted so badly goodbye.”
“So that’s why he broke it off with her.”
“He’s been giving me looks.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like he wants to knock my teeth in.” Crash could hear Cole laugh.
“Probably because when we were there for Bulldog’s funeral, I led him to believe that Skylar’s your ol’ lady.”
“You did what?”
Cole chuckled. “You could do worse.”
“Why the hell would you do that?”
“Remember when we brought Skylar and Letty to the clubhouse?”
“He was confronting her, had her up against the wall when I walked up. Anyway, he’d seen you two ride in together, and he just assumed you were together. I may have led him to believe that assumption was correct.”
“Fuck. Think it might have occurred to you to let me in on this little scheme of yours?”
“He jumps your ass, I’m sure you can hold your own.” Cole laughed.
“Thanks for your vote of confidence, bro.”
Cole chuckled. “Call me tomorrow.”
“Right.” Crash disconnected and went inside. He strode up the stairs and straight to Skylar’s room. Tapping lightly on the door, he called. “You up?”
“Come in,” came her soft reply.
Swinging the door open, he saw she was sitting up in bed and reaching to switch the bedside lamp on.
“Sorry, were you asleep already?”
“No. Not yet. What is it?”
“I’m heading back. Tomorrow, if I can get a flight.”
She looked down at her lap, plucking at the quilt. “Oh. That soon?”
“Yeah, babe. It’s time.” He moved toward the four-poster bed. He slid his palm high on the carved poster, his thumb brushing along it, his eyes on his hand. “I…ah…just talked with Cole. Found something out, and I wanted you to know.”
“What is it?”
He leaned against the bedpost and met her eyes. The confusion on her face was easy to read, so he just came right out with it. “It was Cole that forced Shades to break it off with you.” He watched her reaction. Her mouth parted, and her brows drew together.
“What?” she asked softly. “Why would he care?”
Crash shrugged. “You know we’ve both treated you like a little sister. Him especially. Guess he thought he was looking out for you.”
“Forced him how?”
“Beat the shit out of him, for one.”
“For one?”
“Threatened to make sure he’d never get his patch. I’m sure that was the deciding factor.”
“So the patch was more important to him than I was.”
“Skylar, you have to understand, guys like us, that patch means everything. It’s who we are. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t care about you.”
“Look, that’s water under the bridge now. He’s a full-patched member. Nobody can say shit about who he wants to make his ol’ lady. That’s not stopping either of you anymore.”
“I don’t think it’s that simple, Crash. He looks at me like he hates me, now.”
Crash looked down, rubbing his hand down his thigh. “Yeah, about that…”
“Cole led him to believe you were my ol’ lady. At Bulldog’s funeral, when we showed up together. Shades assumed you were with me. Cole, apparently reinforced that assumption.” Her eyes looked everywhere but at him, almost as if she were embarrassed. When she stayed quiet, he crossed his arms and added, “You knew?”
“Shades was talking to me, and Cole walked up and told me to get back to my ol’ man.” She looked up at him guiltily. “I knew he only said it to make Shades back off. And he did. Instantly.”
Crash’s brows rose, prompting her to continue. “And?”
“And, I’m sure seeing us together since then has underlined it.” Skylar looked up at him. “Not that I’m not honored to be your pretend ol’ lady, but I don’t think that’s the only reason he hates me.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter now, anyway.”
“Babe, that’s a fuckin’ flat-out lie. It’s obvious there’s still some unresolved shit there. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t look at me like he wants to put his fist through my face.”
“I doubt that.”
Crash let out a laugh. “I don’t.”
“I’m sure you’re exaggerating.”
“You still stir up some feelings in him. That’s no exaggeration. You should call him. Talk it out.”
“I don’t think so.”
Crash blew out a breath. “Right. I’m gonna leave his number on the fridge. In case you change your mind.” He bent and kissed her forehead. “Sleep tight.”
He turned to go.
Her soft voice stopped him at the door, and he looked back at her. “Yeah?”
“You should take your own advice.”
A frown marred his forehead. “What do you mean?”
“I’m sure there’s unresolved issues between you and that woman back in California.”
A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth, and he winked at her. “Touché. Night, sweetheart.”
Shades watched Crash walk out of the clubhouse. He’d just turned in the loaner bike he’d borrowed and said his goodbyes. He was heading back to his California Chapter. Shades followed him out the back door. He paused to light a smoke as he watched Crash walk toward the back gate, saying a few final goodbyes to a couple members in the yard.
Shades’ eyes moved to the open gate and the alley beyond where a silver Miata idled, Skylar in the driver’s seat. Crash climbed in, and Skylar gunned the engine, spraying gravel as she tore out of there like she couldn’t wait to be rid of the place. Shades only hesitated a moment before crushing his cigarette beneath his boot and heading for his bike.
A few moments later, he was pulling out, following the Miata to the airport. He wasn’t sure what he meant to accomplish. He probably wasn’t thinking straight, but that was only because the thought of Skylar leaving again was twisting his gut. He just knew that he couldn’t stand by and let her walk out of his life again for the third time.
Yeah, he was wrong to do it. He knew there was a brother standing between them, but he didn’t think even that was going to stop him. Not now. Not this time.
Maybe she wouldn’t want a damn thing to do with him. Maybe she’d tell him to go fuck himself. But he had to give it a shot.
They’d had something once. Something good. Something he’d never been able to find with any other woman since then. And he’d thrown it all away.
As they approached the airport, Shades expected them to pull into the parking garage, but instead, Skylar headed the Miata toward Departures. Shades followed after her, keeping a ways back and ducking behind some other vehicles dropping travelers off.
Shades watched as Crash got out of the car, grabbed his duffle out of the trunk, and then came around to the driver’s side. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss, and then headed into the terminal.
What the hell?
Why wasn’t Skylar going back with him? He frowned as he watched Crash disappear through the revolving glass doors. And then his eyes moved back to the silver Miata still idl
ing at the curb. Her head was turned toward the doors. She was watching him leave. And then her blinker came on, and she pulled away.
Shades stared after her. Skylar was still here.
She’d stayed.
He only hesitated a moment, before letting out the clutch and taking off after her.
Shades followed the silver Miata back through downtown and over the mountain south of town. The whole time he trailed behind her at a distance, he couldn’t help but wonder where in the hell she was going. And when he wasn’t wondering that, his mind was consumed with the thought that she was still here, she hadn’t left.
He still had a shot.
A shot at fixing everything with her. A shot at making things right again between them.
He was still pissed at her though. Pissed at her for taking that grand in cash he’d had stashed. And pissed at her even more for taking his rosary. But mostly pissed at her for leaving town like she had. Yeah, they had a few things to talk about. A few things to get straight between them. And he was gonna need to maintain his cool and keep a lid on it if he was going to do that.
Finally, he was going to have a chance to do that. Away from Crash. Away from her ol’ man. Christ, it still made his jaw clench just thinking about her belonging to another man.
She exited off I-65 at Hwy119 and headed east. He followed her a couple of miles until she put on her blinker and slowed, making the turn off into a drive that led to a gate. Shades drove past, continued down the road over a rise and made a U-turn. He coasted back over the hill and glided to a stop and watched as the gate swung closed with a clank and two little taillights disappeared around a bend into the trees.
Shades pushed his bike behind some bushes in the tree-line, walked around the gate and crept up the drive, following the curving drive into the woods.
When he reached the house, he crept around to the corner and peered around it, hiding behind a bush.
Skylar was climbing out of the car, grabbing her purse and heading toward the house. As Shades watched, she unlocked the door, stepped inside and paused to deactivate an alarm. She snapped her fingers and cursed.
“Damn. I forgot to get milk.”
Shades watched as she spun around, slammed the door, dashed back to her car and jumped inside. Then she fired it up, pulled around the circle drive and headed back out toward the road. Shades ducked down behind the bush as she drove past. After her taillights disappeared down the road and he’d heard her shift through the gears as she pulled back out onto the highway, Shades turned to look up at the house.